Women are often seen as the backbone of the home for various reasons. According to Forbes, 70% of full-time working women do all or most of the caregiving.

For decades, women of all walks of life have made incredible strides in the workforce. Unfortunately, the challenges of balancing home, work, and self can come with a mental, emotional, and physical toll. A recent study published in the New York Times showed that 66% of working parents are dealing with burnout. Balancing work and home takes a lot of planning, understanding, communication, and a strong support system. Even with routines, schedules, and to do lists, working moms are battling parental burnout at an alarming rate. Dr. Jennifer Yen, a psychiatrist at UTH Houston, describes parental burnout as physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion due to ongoing demands. Parental burnout has become a global crisis. Though it’s not included in the DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses published by the American Psychiatric Association, parental burnout is recognized by many psychologists as well as the World Health Organization.

Since 2012, wife & mother of two, Treneisha Hill, has been an Assistant DA with the Caddo Parish District Attorney’s Office. Over the last decade she has tried a plethora of homicide and sexual assault cases. She also assists with handling and resolving high profile cases. Being that she and her husband of 8 years, local attorney Kerry Hill of Hill Law Firm, both have high demanding careers, it’s vital for them to work together setting firm boundaries so their children always know that they come first. Shortly after having their second child, Hill was faced with a few unforeseen life circumstances while balancing home and a hefty workload. Hill said, “Our jobs don’t slow down just because life circumstances change. I went on working hard and tirelessly, but eventually took a little time off to recharge.” Hill went on to say, “Navigating my journey has at times been a bit difficult, sometimes exhausting, but at best very rewarding. For me there is something very fulfilling about operating in the many roles that God has called me to using the many gifts He’s blessed me with.”

Licensed esthetician and salon/school owner Carmen Evans is a single mom of three who is thankful that she has always had a solid support system, but that didn’t stop burnout from creeping up on her. Evans, who has been a permanent makeup artist for 12 years, said, “I cannot recall the last time I felt so drained and depleted. I am thankful for the improvements I have made more recently, though I wish I would have listened to my body sooner.” Her experience with burnout was a surprise to her, but it wasn’t a surprise to her body and mind. She explained, “The simplest everyday things were going haywire with no logical explanation. Just complete and total overwhelm that slowly creeped up on me and knocked me to my knees. My body just gave out and I was asleep every day for weeks in December.” Evans is now on a mission to help others to avoid getting to that point she never saw coming.

Though both women walk the tight rope of work/home life, they make a point to keep their families in the foreground. Whether through movie nights, traveling, date nights, or just talking about their days, Hill and Evans prioritize the functionality of their families and the happiness of their children. There is nothing more important than to keep a proper work/home balance for the stability of the children.