BY Myron Griffing
Now more than ever, it is imperative to have a welcoming and inviting work environment. Gone are the days of the utilitarian, all grey/white/beige, humdrum office space. Even the verbiage is different, note I initially said, ‘work environment,’ not office space.
Nowadays, you must create calming, relaxing work environments to coax folks back out of their pj’s and back into the office. The foundational dynamics of any thriving business is a healthy, relaxing, workspace which encourages teamwork, intermixing of departments, sharing ideas, and fostering friendships. Businesses with a workforce that is happy, friendly, trustworthy, reliable, and loyal will not only succeed, but excel almost every time!

With the pandemic in our rearview mirror, we are now trickling, if not streaming, back into our workspaces. We’ve had 2+ years of sittin’ around in our jam-jams, sipping coffee whilst on a zoom call and folks are feeling
a-might anxious about returning to the office. That’s plausible, I’m certainly not immune. I’m far more likely to order something to-go rather than sit and eat. Everyone gets excited about
a new outfit or car, but what about a totally transformed work environment? Too few people think about this, so many offices are a mostly utilitarian space versus one that is modern, fresh, inviting, and relaxing. Multiple studies show that aesthetically pleasing spaces can ease stress and help increase productivity! This is a great time for owners and leaders of companies to spend some of that ‘cha-ching’ you’ve been making over the past few years. Why not ease some of that anxiety by refreshing the environment for your employees (and yourself)? Having the right color palette, furnishings, lighting, and workstations will improve your employees’ attitudes about returning to the office, and it’s impressive to your customers and visitors. Remember, first impressions are the longest lasting.

Think about it this way: who do you trust to do a better job, the contractor who pulls up in a dirty, beat-up truck with mail and trash on the dash and floorboard, or the one who shows up in a newer, clean, well-maintained vehicle? You don’t have to break the bank with these updates, but it will cost you. Ain’t nuttin’ free! But a re-investment into your business is money well spent.
With these aesthetic improvements in place, the biggest thing you’ll have to worry about is enforcing the “no pajama bottoms at work” policy.

Myron Griffing
Interior decorator and owner of SPACE: interiors in Shreveport.