Today I am rating my top 10 favorite murals in Shreveport and Bossier. There is no rhyme or reason to the individual rankings or why some are on the list when there are so many others. It’s just fun to notice the unique color of our city and to celebrate the joy they bring to our lives.
Number 1: “From Shreveport with Love” by Whitney Tates, Ben Moss, Linda Moss, Ka’Davien Baylor, and Lindsey Simpson.
It is located at the corner of Crockett St and Edwards St. This colorful postcard-esc design brightens up any day.

Number 2: “Unstrung” by Lynn Laird.
With all the hustle and bustle of life it is a good reminder that we aren’t the only ones who need a break every once and a while. It is located on the back of the Fairmount Apartments on Cotton Street.

Number 3: “Once in a Millennium Moon” by Meg Saligman.
Known by some as ‘that big mural downtown’ This mega mural was one of the largest publicly funded murals in the United States. It depicts many aspects of Louisiana life on the side of the formerly AT&T building. It is so large that it is visible from I-20, and according to the artist’s website is 30,000 square feet. It is located near Cotton Steet and Marshall Street.

Number 4: “Mandala Parade” by Brett Malone.
It is located across from the Shreveport Regional Arts Council; the building with the big dalmatian. Near Crockett Street and Common Street. It’s just so colorful, and I love looking at the patterns.

Number 5: “The Tiny Homes in Cush Alley” by Matthew Yerby.
It is close to the mega mural of ‘Once in a Millennium Moon’, it is a beautiful little moment in time. The way the artist added depth to the composition and was able to add flowers to an air-conditioning unit, makes the mural have a friendly quality. Located at 621 Marshall Street.

Number 6: “A Call to Action” by Ali Bahler with Lighting by Logan McDaniel.
That’s right, it lights up. Located at 199 Crockett Street.

Number 7: “Blue Scroll Mural” by Roberto Salas.
It is just adding color to a parking lot on Common and Texas Streets. It is reminiscent of the architectural details found above the doors on the old B’nai Zion Temple, (802 Cotton Street,) and brings some city pride into a simple place like a parking lot.

Number 8: “Given Enough Rope” by Jeormie Journell.
What does it mean? I don’t know. A carrot man on a tight rope is just quirky and very fun. It is in the same general area as “Mandalas on Parade” and the Shreveport Arts Council. Located at 718 Crocket St.

Number 9: “All There is” by Tama Nathan.
Located at the Korner Lounge, it is bright and colorful. It is a sort of collage that feels like a cherished art project.

Number 10: “Frog Prince” by J. Ben Moss.
It’s in black and White, but the image of a girl sitting on the ground dreaming of her future is charming. Located at 919 Texas Ave.

Now that you have heard of my favorites go out and see the city! If you take photos of you and your friends with the murals, email them to: to be featured on our social media next month!