Confidence is a funny thing. It can be elusive, hard to define, and even harder to attain. It’s a quality that can be faked, postured, and imitated, but only the truly confident man can claim it as their own. If you want to boost your confidence and become your best version of yourself, read on.

1. You Don’t Scare Easily.

There’s a difference between bluff and true courage; confident men have courage without all the bluster. Being able not to be scared easily is not about being fearless or invincible, but rather having a healthy respect for the things that should inspire fear while also having the confidence to face them head-on.

2. You Can Laugh At Yourself.

Confident men know that laughter is often the best medicine and that by laughing at yourself, you can diffuse tension, build connections, and find joy in life’s ups and downs. Anyone with a complex about being laughed at is likely hiding insecurities of their own.

3. You Are Comfortable In Your Own Skin.

Confident, they know their own worth and believe in their ability to make things happen. You don’t try to be something you are not. Instead, you focus on being the best version of yourself. As a result, confident men exude a quiet strength that is hard to ignore. You are the type of man who is comfortable taking risks and embracing change. And while you may not always achieve your goals, you never give up—your persistence and determination will see you through to success.

4. You Take Risks. 

When it comes to success in life, it pays to be a risk-taker. Confident men are not afraid to take chances and seize new opportunities. You understand that failure is a part of life, and you are willing to take risks in order to achieve your goals. Playing life safe isn’t an option. While there is no guarantee of success, confident men know that the rewards are worth the risk.

5. You Know How To Compromise. 

It’s easy to get carried away with always getting what you want, but truly confident men know how to compromise, haggle, or just negotiate for a mutually beneficial outcome. A confident man is never greedy because he knows his value—he knows exactly how much value people should give him in return. Compromise is simply a means to an end.

The Bottom Line.  

Self-confident men have a lot to offer the world. They are risk-takers who aren’t afraid of failure and pursue their goals with passion. They set high standards for themselves and live lives that inspire others. Their positive attitude and confident body language make them stand out in a crowd. So, if you want to improve your life, try adopting some of the characteristics of a self-confident man. You won’t regret it!